Sunday, November 11, 2012

Why the World Needs WikiLeaks

Why the world needs WikiLeaks? The answer is simple: people need to know the truth about where they live. Most of the people who heard the Ted interview agreed with me. In fact, many see Julian Assange as a hero, a freedom fighter, someone who wishes for a better tomorrow. I don't understand how can someone see him as a hooligan. A wise man once said, "Ignorance is a bliss" but I don't understand how one can actually live by that quote. Why? When your partner lies or cheats on you, you leave them. So, why is it when a country lies to you and does things behind your back you get angry at the person who tells you the truth and don't take any action against your country? I could never understand that part of human nature. However, one thing that did surprise me and raised my interest was a quote posted by Scott Kegley:

"While I am in favor of releasing secret documents, who is naive enough to believe that Wikileaks are releasing everything they receive, and not just those that aid their own political goals. Given that Wikileaks has a clear vendetta against the US, who's to say they're not cherrypicking the leaks they receive and publishing only what supports their own narrative?"

I've never before thought about WikiLeaks from this point of view. Maybe they are only showing what they like but it's better than nothing. What if WikiLeaks has hundreds of different files that go against their opinion and they simply don't publish them? In this case, I think that maybe there should be one more website similar to WikiLeaks that will be 100% truthful and won't hold any type of political bias. This way we will always be exposed to the truth. Yet in the meantime, I am very happy with WikiLeaks' job. It honestly, upsets me that hundreds of people around the world don't agree with what Mr. Assange created. However, I hope that my generation will be braver. Dear the teenagers, please, do what WikiLeaks is doing and expose the world to the truth!

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