Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Corporations Are A Bunch Of Psychopaths!

The 2003 documentary, The Corporation disappointed my view of the modern business world. I grew-up in a society where young boys since the age of 10 talk about their desire to work for big companies like Nike, Adidas and many others. These innocent kids, don't understand that by joining one of the following enterprises, they risk not only their own reputations but also other peoples' lives are endangered. Thus before the 14th amendment was passed, the corporation was not considered a human being but with the establishment of the new rights, companies gained their benefits. Yet, a companies behavior can definitely be described as "normal," by looking at different psychological factors, the movie director established that it's behavioral traits most closely resemble a psychopath. A corporation has no concern for the feelings or safety of others, it repeatedly lies for profit and does not experience any guilt. In fact, its' incapacity to maintain relationships does not allow it to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behavior. The question is, "how can we stop it?" Well, the answer is easy, don't just complain and judge, take actions.

1 comment:

  1. Michelle, some of this sounded a bit too much like a summary of the film, not a reaction to it. What did it make you think about? What connections an you make?

    Mrs. B
